Middle Grade Fantasy — YA Mystery — Adult Paranormal Mysteries
I write books filled with magic, mysteries, and deep friendships.
There's usually a cat by my side along with a cup of coffee and a tall tumbler of water. Probably a piece of chocolate, too. I love to read as much as I love to write, and often can be found with an Agatha Christie book in my hand. I live in the Midwest with my family, collect vintage Agatha Christie paperbacks, and can quote ninety percent of the movie “Clue.”
I'm glad you've stopped by today, and encourage you to take a look around. You can find my indie series Chronicles of a Cursed Midlife in the menu tab above, including covers, blurbs, buy links, and more. Under the About Me section, a new page will be coming soon where I'll be featuring stories about my Agatha Christie paperback collection, which you may be familiar with if you follow me on social media. And you do, don't you?
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